SOLEMARCH aspires to be the standard for yoga, an ancient, spiritual practice that extends well beyond asana done by thin, flexible, able bodies. These workshops, trainings, retreats and the teachings they produce are for people who are willing to do the work of a yoga practice while employing every aspect of themselves to do so. The authenticity, groundedness and kindness you’ll find here will help you deepen your practice, your connection to yourself and the world around you.
As society evolves, so does Solemarch. When the topic of cultural appropriation in yoga was thrust into the mainstream in 2020, I added a discussion to my training about how trauma-informed yoga is discussed in a largely culturally appropriative way. In its purest form, yoga is already trauma-informed, it doesn’t need that qualifier.
If you’re interested in deepening and evolving your practice alongside other like minded individuals, Solemarch is excited to meet you where you’re at.
“What sets Sangeeta apart is her deep knowledge and respect for yoga. This translates into a physically and mentally fulfilling practice - inspiring students to only get better. She does not try to make yoga into something it is not, but instead opens windows and doors into the timelessness of the centuries old practice.”